Evaluation of different levels of Thymus vulgaris powder and virginiamycin on performance, some carcass characteristics and blood parameters of broiler chicks

Document Type : Original Article



One hundred and nighty one day old mail broiler chicks (Ross 308) was used to investigate the effect of different levels of Thymus vulgaris powder and antibiotic virginiamycin on performance, some carcass characteristics and blood parameters of broiler chickens during 6 weeks. The experiment was performed based a completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replicates for each and 13 chicks per replicate. Dietary treatments included the basal diet (without additives), three levels of Thymus vulgaris (0.5, 1 and 1.5%) and virginiamycin (0.15%). The results showed that the birds fed the 1 and 1.5% Thymus vulgaris had the lower feed intake as compared to antibiotic fed birds during the finisher and whole the period. Furthermore, the birds fed the different levels of Tymus vulgaris, had the higher body weight gain during the growth period and the lower feed conversion ratio during the grower and finisher periods as compared to antibiotic and control diet fed birds. The highest breast and carcass weight was observed 1 and 1.5% Thymus vulgaris powder fed birds. The consumption of different levels of Thymus vulgaris decreased the abdominal fat as compared to antibiotic birds. Moreover, the lowest plasma cholesterol and LDL were indicated for Thymus vulgaris powder fed chickens. Totally, consumption of Thymus vulgaris improves the performance, some carcass characteristics and blood indices of broiler chickens and can be a good replacement for antibiotic growth promoters.
